The Brotherhood of the Hidden Eye’s 6 Holy Tenets
1. Respect Your Peers and Yourself
Respect your peers and yourself equally. Understand that all opinions are valid, including your own and others'. Maintain high regard for everyone and avoid undervaluing yourself.
2. Respect Your Higher Ranking Disciples
Respect higher-ranking disciples as they have more experience. However, this respect does not mean they have the right to mistreat you. Your value to the Brotherhood is equal, except when it comes to Pharaohs.
3. Respect and Defend Basic Human Rights
Respect and defend every human’s basic rights, including, but not limited to:
- The right to survival: humans may act to ensure their own survival as long as it does not endanger others.
- The right to choose: humans may make their own choices freely, provided these do not violate other rights. Avoid forcing others to make choices or making choices for them without consent.
- The right to express freely: humans may express their opinions freely as long as it does not violate other rights.
- The right to truth: humans have the right to know the whole truth about any subject. Act with honesty and clarity, and do not distort the truth for personal benefit.
4. Act with Compassion
Strive to act with compassion towards all beings, according to reason. Never completely forgo compassion unless the subject neither needs nor deserves it.
5. Recognize Human Fallibility
Humans are fallible; do not judge others solely on past actions. If you make a mistake, do your best to rectify it and resolve any harm caused. If they do not rectify it or make no attempt to apologize, treat them with no respect. Some actions cannot be undone, such as some that interfere with human rights.
6. Uphold Justice
Justice takes precedence over laws and institutions. Always strive to uphold justice, but it does not override the importance of human rights. Upholding human rights should always come first.
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